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- Written by: Giovanni "Gio" Pilato

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- Written by: Giovanni "Gio" Pilato
One of the most interesting and encouraging growth in the history and tradition of Italian music of the last four decades comes, year after year, from an increasing amount of artists expressing their love for their own local roots, not only through lyrics narrating ordinary tales of daily lives of the past and present but also by singing in the dialect of their own regions, as a way to preserve their multi-centenary heritage from a modern society that, too often, has got the tendency to nullify and erase everything that doesn't fit the suffocating rhythms that life imposes on all of us every day.
To be perfectly honest, it doesn't take that much to fall in love at first glance to a record like La Grande Corsa Verso Lupionòpolis (The Great Run Towards Lupionòpolis) from Peppe Voltarelli, one of the most exciting Italian singer/songwriters even if you may not understand a word neither of Italian language nor of Calabria's (Italian Southern Region) local dialect.
Read more: Peppe Voltarelli - La Grande Corsa Verso Lupionòpolis

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- Written by: Giovanni "Gio" Pilato
It gets rather difficult, in the contemporary music scene, to find an artist with a career span of 50-plus years and 30 albums recorded as a solo artist, still willing to work as hard as the legendary Blues/Rock guitarist and singer/songwriter Walter Trout does on each and every record.
Unanimously considered by the music press and Trout's fellow colleague artists as one of the most gifted and talented torchbearers of Blues/Rock of this generation, there is quite nobody like the American artist, in this genre, able to deliver bodies of work of such imperious emotional intensity and enormous creative form, just as Trout has done again on his brand new album, called Broken.

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- Written by: Giovanni "Gio" Pilato
For who truly loves music, it's always a joy to see new inspired musical projects created by artists that perhaps, in the last three decades, have worked mostly behind the scenes in many bands, often being the real bone machine of said bands and now getting together creating something that sums their years of experiences in the business, allowing them, at the same time, also to apply their own personal spin and vision on the way they feel and see music in 2024.
Today Was Yesterday is one of those fine projects, born from the will of two multi-instrumentalists like singer/songwriter, bassist, guitarist, pianist and programmer Angelo Barbera and powerhouse drummer, percussionist and programmer Ty Dennis, with the purpose to cross over the boundaries of what is currently considered contemporary Progressive Rock, by expanding its overall sound through the application of layers of Funk, New-Age and Synth-Wave added to what is seen as the standard sound structure of Prog-Rock, as a genre.

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- Written by: Giovanni "Gio" Pilato
It's so important to have something meaningful to say, in the current music industry, where often the urgency of "having" to release a new album to make the fans happy as fast as possible, it may result as a counterproductive kind of a move, for an artist.
JJ Grey & Mofro have undoubtedly not a problem with that, because they know that quality always pays dividends, no matter when they decide to make another album. Although it might have taken almost a decade, for the Florida-based collective, to release a new record of a certain high standard that could aptly follow the magnitude of a record like their 2015 Ol' Glory, that time has not been wasted in vain at all by the JJ Grey & Mofro, given the excellent outcome.

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- Written by: Giovanni "Gio" Pilato
One of the most liberating feelings, for a music artist, it must surely arrive when you are able to express yourself without being labeled to a genre or a style of music, something not easy to achieve, in the contemporary music industry for virtually anybody, especially considering record labels' contractual strings and obligations to fans that make challenging, for any musical project, to be able to go free-form and let the music flow without constrictions.
There are, though and rather fortunately, some artists or projects that refuse to adhere to genre-related clichés. One of these projects is called Kalaha, a collective made by Danish musicians that, since 2013, have carried in their body of work the idea that music can travel on different wave lengths without losing its identity, something that transpires very clearly and rather beautifully in their new album, called Nord Havn.

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- Written by: Giovanni "Gio" Pilato
It's rather refreshing to see somebody that has heavily contributed, through his unmistakable guitar playing, the Rock music of the 70's being still inspired by love for music in its globality, letting loose and thoroughly enjoying himself still in these days and age.
The Doors' guitarist Robby Krieger doesn't need any particular introduction at all, not even to those that have not familiar to Rock'N'Roll for very long. His guitar sound has permeated not only the music of a seminal band like The Doors but the whole of a decade of music and beyond even as a solo artist, making Krieger being recognised as one of the 100 most loved and influential guitarists of all time by a prestigious magazine like Rolling Stone.
Read more: Robby Krieger And The Soul Savages - Robby Krieger And The Soul Savages